Reflections from a Social Media Novice
What have I been missing? That’s the question that keeps ringing in my ears. So many of you already know this world of social media, and if your 25 and under, you probably wonder why I’m so out of touch. For you, social media just is! The closest comparison that might help you relate to my reality is the homelife my kids have experienced. Three of our kids have distinct memories of living and being raised in Chicago, while two of our kids never knew that world and have only known life in Rochester. The stories build a bridge, but the experiences of the first three were just different. Missionary families can probably relate to this. And for my wife and I, we also didn’t grow up in the urban, multi-racial and multi-cultural world we’ve tried to raise our kids in. So, they know and feel things instinctively that I can’t relate to in urban and cross-cultural settings because it’s just “normal” to them.
The world of social media is like this for me. My wife and kids and many of you are just so comfortable with it and I don’t share the same context. In fact, I have been disconnected and unconvinced of its necessity in my life. Yet, the events of the past two weeks have forced me into this digital world for the better! I’ve simply been amazed at what I’m learning. As a pastor I had a moment recently like, “Oh, that’s where everybody is!” Hmmm! Again, what (and who) have I been missing? To those of you that silently raise your hands, I’m sorry.
The irony of what I’m learning is that presence in the digital world is forcing me to be more present in my physical world. Yes, you heard that right. Here’s the setup. I asked my wife the other night to teach me how to do a post on Instagram. After saying “you should talk to your daughter and son” she reluctantly took a few minutes to show me her masterful skills. She started out with, “Go to your camera roll and get a pic.” Well, we had to stop right there and laugh. My newest pic was several weeks ago. I just don’t take pics like that. She proceeded with her tutorial, and I think I got it, but I was lost in a sea of thoughts as well about this whole social media world. Pictures represent moments, and a good eye for “moments” is a testament to being able to be present. Why don’t I slow down and notice things more? Why am I so driven to push into the next thing? How many moments do I miss (whether I take a pic or not) just because I’m pressing through to the next thing? My wife is awesome! Yes - that was in my “sea of thoughts”. I just have a new appreciation for her adaptation into this digital world, and for how she and my kids are living in the moment way better than I am.
For years I’ve thought that social media was an intrusion into the present. Always taking pics, and always posting and sharing moments (and now stories) was viewed by me as an interruption. Little did I know that what I thought was interrupting could actually be a way of slowing me down to notice a moment, capture it, record it, and reflect on it. I know that posting can be addictive, and lead to pride and self-aggrandizement, but for those that really do it well, it doesn’t have to lead to that at all (and doesn’t.) It can be a very healthy way of both living in a moment, and then also sharing that moment as a way of encouraging others.
There’s a very old book by a monk from days gone by called Practicing the Presence of Christ. In that book Brother Lawrence talks about how he taught himself to practice the presence of Christ by reminding himself every minute of Christ’s presence. A simple breath prayer of thanksgiving allowed him to eventually notice that Christ was present in everything he did. Notice I said, “eventually.” It was a long process for him. To make the leap to my own life, I’ve always wanted to live into that, and at different seasons I’ve done better than others. But now, the whole experience of social media is actually taking me back to that concept. What have I been missing? Could social media actually make me a better person, a better Christian by helping teach me more about living in the moment and being thankful?
So, my reflection is that I need to slow down and notice the moments in my life in order to better engage with my world (both physcially and digitally). My camera roll, far from being the intrusion I’ve made it out to be, may just be the very barometer I can check to help me understand how well I’m doing at being fully present. I need to capture more moments. I need to reflect on them. I can share them, not for feedback and to build my self-esteem, but to be a blessing and encourage others (at least that is the best of my intentions). And if I’m doing it well, I can combine that process with acknowledging the presence of Christ in each moment. By exercising my understanding of being fully present, I can better activate my acknowledgment of the presence of Christ.
Now I see at least one thing I’ve been missing! Who knew that social media could aid me in the journey of growing in Christ? And I’m sure I’ve just tipped the top of the iceberg. I’ve got so far to go. I never wanted to get old and out of touch. But, I now realize how easily it just happens, and we don’t even realize it. We have to work hard to adopt new ways of living and learning, or we get stuck in our ways and become irrelevant. I’m regretting that I’ve been so late to the game, but I’m enjoying the journey of self-discovery. I want to do it well. I’m very grateful for all of you that are already saavy in this space, including and most of all my wife! It took some unprecedented times to move me, but thank God He’s giving me a willing spirit to move foward. Oh for the grace to keep adapting and growing, and I’m praying for those of you who are already here to have patience! ;-)
I’m opening up comments for this post. Share with me what you are learning, and how we can keep stretching and helping each other grow into this new digital world we’re experiencing.
May God allow us all to recognize His presence during these crazy times.
Pastor Scott