3 Things for Today (and Anyday!)

These are times when I find myself overwhelmed with just too much information. You? Maybe you’ve seen the massive increase in live video feeds on your FB page, or see all of the encouraging scripture verses, or maybe you’ve watched a little too much news in hopes that there will be some ray of hope. I know I should shut it off for a while, and I have, but this new digital reality seems to demand almost constant contact in order to respond to this or that comment, and interact, and be “social.” In some ways, it’s an introvert’s best friend (that would be me!) because I can engage in my own terms. But, that isn’t quite how it works. Engagement, responsiveness and response time seem to be part of the equation (Huh - like any relationship maybe?). I could easily shut if all off and just retreat into relative silence. Except for FOMO! You know, Fear Of Missing Out! It’s a thing! But, I don’t want that to drive my engagement. These are truly historic times, and for the sake of the church and Jesus Christ, I press into these new realities, not just to not miss something, but to find out what the Lord is trying to teach me and His church about reaching people in this global, digital world!

So, I have been learning way more than I ever thought I would commit to about how to engage online. While late to the game, I am seeing the potential power and benefits. A virtual connection is not a substitute for in-person ever, but I can totally see people getting comfortable with some aspects of it, including myself. Connection without leaving home? Access to seemingly unlimited content? I have a lot to learn, but I’m on the journey in a way that only a crisis could force me to be.

I was describing to our staff at New Hope yesterday (via Google Hangout, incidentally) how I just feel a sense of “whiplash” from this whole experience. On the one hand, I’m kind of excited and enjoying the idea of pushing into the digital and online space. On the other hand, my whole work week, rhythm, and flow are completely turned upside down by the events of the last couple of weeks, and the potential of these new online capabilities. It’s good, and it’s jolting all at the same time. And then there’s just the reality that all of you have access to all the encouragement, wisdom and engagement you could ever want in the online space already. Where do I even plug into it and feel like it adds value?

So, besides seeing a little window into my shaken world, what would make you want to read “one more thing” in the sea of information and encouragement you have access to? Honestly, it’s probably not one more thing to think about, or learn, or be challenged by or anything like that. But, I am your pastor and can’t help myself.

I’m just going to encourage you with three things to focus on today:

  • Breathe. A friend posted a powerful reminder on this recently. Joyce is a wonderful psychologist and therapist and she reminded us that is impossible to be anxious and deep breath at the same time. Try it! Slow down your breath, take it in slowly, let it out slowly, and do that repeatedly for a few minutes. It’s a simple reminder and powerful tool to aid when your anxiety is starting to get the better of you. While you do it, add something you're thankful for to increase its effectiveness.

  • LIsten. Remember Lent? It won’t be canceled. Lent is designed to be the season of voluntary withdrawal in order to focus more on Christ, his life death and upcoming resurrection. With less scheduled activities and less to do in general right now, consider pressing into Lent in a way you wouldn’t have otherwise. Turn down the noise for a bit and reflect on who God is in the midst of this crisis. Listen and allow the season of Lent to take root in your heart.

  • Pray - and I don’t mean your normal prayers. I read an encouraging blog post today by a colleague about praying with theological imagination and I recommend it to you. It’s an easy and insightful read. These are times we need help in prayer. His recommendations are to pray the Psalms, prayer pre-written prayers and pray prayers from other cultures and traditions. That last one we can do better than some if we make the connections we already have access to across languages and races.

I would like to think that this content was revolutionizing the world! It’s not. It’s just me sharing with you from my heart. We’re walking a journey in uncharted territory together. I know when I walk on a path I haven’t been on before, I like to have a map and I want to know how long I’ll be on it and what I should expect. We don’t have a map, and the only guiding light we can trust right now is the Holy Spirit. This is a great time to put your trust more completely in Him and trust that He is in control. When we fear, and when we want to run and hide, we can come back in faith to His promise that He will “never leave us or forsake us.” I can’t promise the same thing in the same way, but in this crisis, I’ll say the same thing in a different way as His representative. I’m with you.

In the Love of Christ,

Pastor Scott

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