Tithes, Offerings, Special Gifts
Giving is an act of worship. It is also an act of surrender. By giving you declare that God is the owner of your resources, and you are simply the steward. Stewards manage other people’s resources. As Christians, we give precisely because we believe this, and are willing to let God be in charge. As a church, we commit equally to stewarding those resources for the good of His Kingdom.
When you give, please indicate what ministry you are giving toward. If it is your regular tithe or offering, you can select that as an option. The choices will appear in a drop-down menu on the donate page. Any donations received without donor advisement will be applied toward regular offerings to be used for purposes deemed most appropriate in meeting the operating budget needs of the church.
This option allows you to set up one-time or recurring donations. Please select which works for you. You can be assured that your giving and financial payment details will be protected and kept secure. If you'd like more information about connecting through the Church Center giving app on your smartphone or other electronic devices, please email us (office@newhopefree.org) and we'll send you a link.
Thank you for your gift!
Give with a confident and grateful heart.
Knowing God as our Provider, the Owner of All, and understanding God's Economy
A greater level of faith in God's faithfulness to us personally and as a church
Escaping the tyranny of materialism, consumer debt, poor management, and defeat
Giving as joyful obedience to a God who truly has our best interest at heart
in the church's mission - with the satisfaction and rewards that come with being wise shareholders