The Word on Women

Over the past several weeks, I have been drawn towards a detailed study and reflection regarding women in ministry.  So many of the self-identified evangelical churches and denominations have been staunchly against women having significant leadership and teaching roles of the church.  Evangelical churches by definition look to Christian scriptures as the standard for polity and practice.  I am proposing that we take a few blogs and look at the scriptures that are often used to support the prevention of women in leadership.

Up front, I want to tell you that what I am going to share my disturb some of the readers who have not critically examined the scriptures.  The goal is not tear down faith, but to reveal truth so that we can experience the freedom that truth brings.

Before I get to a specific text, I want to give you a few parameters that are essential to understand in regard to any issues that is studied within the Word of God.

1. The entirety of scripture is inspired by the Spirit of God.  One section is not "more sacred" than others.  Scriptural truth must be understood within the entirety of scripture.

2. Scripture must be harmonious with itself.  There is a flow from the Hebrew scriptures (Old Testament) through the gospels.  The teachings of the Gospel is expanded in the letters and visions of the New Testament. 

3.  Jesus is defined by scripture as the ultimate revelation of God's person and His will (Hebrews 1:3). We begin developing any issue by what Jesus said and did, and then understand the remainder of scripture in light of His words.  One of the interpretive flaws of the church is to read the epistles of Paul as an attempt to understand the words of Jesus (ex: Paul said this, therefore Jesus must have meant that) as opposed to reading the words of Jesus and seeking to understand Paul in light of them (ex: Jesus said this, therefore we understand Paul's words in light of them).

4.  Scriptural understanding proceeds from the Holy Spirit (I Cor 2:10-12).  The understanding is textual (what does the text say), contextual (who was it being said to and why?), and cultural (what were the norms of the society in which the text was directed and how would it have been understood). 

Now, go read Judges 4, Luke 2:36-38, Luke 10:38-42, Galatians 3:28, I Timothy 2:1-15, I Corinthians 11:1-16 and I Corinthians 14:26-40.

Take some notes and come back for as we look at the patterns of  how God used different women throughout scripture.

God bless

Pastor M Traylor
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