Defining Moments

In some cultures a name is given to express purpose. That describes the name of Jesus. Can you imagine a bigger purpose than saving humanity from their sins? Most of our names don't mean "savior", but when we choose to serve Jesus Christ we allow His identity and purpose to become our own. In the journey toward full surrender there are some defining moments when we must embrace the truth about Christ. It can turn everything upside down. Studying the second half of Matthew's account of Jesus, this series will explore some of the defining moments when Jesus both revealed himself and asked his followers to embrace his purpose and their new identity.

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Sounds of the season

This Advent we will appreciate the theological expressions of hope, lament, joy, and devotion in Christmas music. Christmas is a time to sing what we believe. Each week we will highlight a well-known Christmas carol that illustrates the true message of the season and unpack the scripture and underlying belief that inspires it. Join us as we sing our way to Christmas! 

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David Rybka
Back to Basics

One of our greatest needs today is for people to really see and really believe the things they already profess to see and believe. Knowing about things—knowing what they are, being able to identify them and say them—does not mean we actually believe them. When we truly believe what we profess, we are set to act as if it were true. Acting as if things are true means, in turn, that we live as if they were so.” (Dallas Willard, Introduction to Life Without Lack)

These words resonate with my heart. In our previous series (“I Just Don’t Get It”) we discussed the difference between knowledge of God, and really knowing God. Jonah didn’t seem to get it because his love toward others didn’t conform to the example set by God. In this series, we’re going to go “back to the basics” and uncover truths about God that we think we already know. In rediscovering what we think we know, the goal will be to learn to trust those things and live “as if they were so.” The goal is not more knowledge, but deeper relationship rooted in trusting the character and nature of God. We are looking forward to the journey. Will you join us?

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David Rybka
The Ten Commandments

Big Idea of the Series: God desires a special relationship with us as His people, and this union is distinguished by living according to His ways. However, it’s not just about “do’s and don’ts”, its about finding and living life to its fullest when lived in conformity with our creator, master and teacher. When we follow the commands God gives us, we honor him as well as invite His blessing and protection over our lives. This 10-week summer series discusses each of the Ten Commandments.

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David Rybka
The Bible Doesn't Say That

Unfortunately, there are erroneous beliefs about God and Christianity that have snuck their way into modern church culture. These popular phrases or ways of thinking are in direct conflict with what scripture actually teaches. This 5-week series looks at different phrases the Bible doesn’t actually say, comparing them to what the Bible actually does say

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David Rybka
Stand Firm

Feeling at all unstable, unsure of how to stand in the chaos of this world? Whether you're a life-long Christian, or a new convert, or you are just exploring what faith is all about, it can feel overwhelming to cut against the grain of our culture and stand as a Christ follower. The current sermon series "Stand Firm" will draw from truths in 1st Peter - a letter included in the New Testament of the Bible - to help us discern how to make sense of living a Christian life in a world that seems so hostile to faith in general, and faith in Jesus Christ in particular. 

Come join us on our journey. We'd love to meet you!

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David Rybka
Family Matters

It's the start of a new school year! Come on and be honest, there's a part of you that craves the schedule, the fall weather, apples and school activities, and just getting back to a routine (and don't forget football!). But, there's a part of us that wants to make sure we're on the right track. Those nagging questions: Are my kids gonna be ok? What changes should we make? How can I lead my family with confidence?

Starting Sunday September 11, New Hope FMC will begin a new series called Family Matters. We'll be looking at how to get your new school year off on the right track! Whether you have kids in school, grown kids, grand kids in school, you are in school yourself or you have no kids and like it that way, this season brings lots of changes. I hope you join us for this short 3-week mini series that will energize your family and lay a great foundation for you to get fully engaged in all this season has to offer.

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David Rybka

We all need seasons of renewal. Our lives are lived at breakneck pace, and the demands we respond to are often overwhelming. This time, this season, even just today, I want you to experience times of refreshing and replenishment. Our souls are weary. Let's find rest together. For the month of July at least, we are New Hope FMC will be seeking and finding rest, living into a season of replenishment, that the Holy Spirit might stir us again to the joy of our salvation. Will you join us? You are welcome. May your soul find rest.

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David Rybka
God's Kingdom Politics

 These are tumultuous times! Political debates gone wild and geo-political, social and economic issues that scare us all. How are we as Christians supposed to engage? God has made provision for us, and He is with us, and there are answers. Our relationships are the medium for Him to work and for His Kingdom to expand. Come learn with us as we explore the Master's plan for engaging our culture in these trying times.

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David Rybka
Get On With It

The Resurrection wasn't just an event that happened and that we mark with a celebration once a year. The cataclysmic change that occurred has reverberated throughout history and is the essence of a new creation. Jesus ushered in a renewal of his original design, and he invites us to become part of it. It all points to a future fulfillment, but not one that is unique and separate from the world we live in today. We are invited to become part of a new Kingdom, a Kingdom that is now and not yet. We need to get on with the mission laid out for us now, and not wait for something yet to come.

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David Rybka
Sensing the Gospel

On February 14 we begin a 5-part Sunday sermon series titled “Sensing the Gospel.” During the season of Lent, when many people work on heightening their awareness of God and growing their relationship with Him through fasting, prayer and a celebration of the disciplines, our bodies and senses are stimulated in miraculous ways. In fact, it is through our bodies that we experience our faith. Our senses govern our experience. We’ll explore how each of our senses helps us navigate the mystery of our human relationship with an eternal God.

Feb 14-March 6

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David Rybka
Unpacking the Revelation of Jesus Christ

We continue our journey through the church calendar by learning about the progressive revelation of Jesus Christ and God's purposes and plans for us as His beloved creation. Each week we'll explore scripture and apply our understanding of it to God's will for the larger context of the story of Jesus' life and ultimate purpose in His  death and resurrection.

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David Rybka