The Season of Advent

Advent means "arrival". Centuries ago the Jewish people had been exiled and all the promises of God seemed but a distant memory. Their hopes and dreams had been dashed and much of their will had been broken. They had violated God's laws and rejected much of what God had asked for them. Yet, our faithful God would not leave them alone. In the midst of their trial, he reminded them of the promises he made to their forefathers. He encouraged them, and asked them to remain faithful because He is faithful. He fulfilled His promises with his arrival in the birth of our Messiah. Once again, we wait for His promises to be fulfilled. His promise that He will return and restore all things. The Advent season allows us to refocus on God's faithful promises. With the birth of Jesus firmly in our focus, we are strengthened and encouraged to renew our pursuit of Christ as we faithfully wait for his triumphal return.

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David Rybka
Life. Money. Legacy.

What does the Bible say about money? A proper view of wealth and how to steward your resources is a major theme in the bible and Jesus mentioned it almost more than any other subject. Jesus knew the temptation that money and wealth offer, and he was careful to remind his followers what King David recognized in Psalm 24:1 (NLT) - "The earth is the Lords and everything in it. The world and all its people belong to him." Our lives, our money, resources, talents and all the rest are to be used for God's purposes, not our own. Over the next six weeks we'll unpack the biblical foundation for wealth and what it means to be stewards of God's resources. 

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David Rybka
The Three Dimensional Discipleship

What does it mean to follow Jesus? Is it enough to simply say I love Jesus or that Jesus loves me? So I’ve accepted Jesus, is that it? This month we explore these and other related questions as we unpack the three dimensional call to follow. Join us and take not only your faith deeper, but prepare to walk with someone else as they explore their own prompts to know and follow Jesus Christ. All messages will be posted online and we encourage your feedback. If you want to know more, please contact the church office ( and ask to speak to a pastor or leave a message through our website.

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David Rybka
Character Traits that Inspire Movements

Godly character as modeled through the Old Testament characters was used by God to create movements and further His plan for redemption. Whether Ruth, or Moses, Gideon, Jonathan or Daniel, each was asked to demonstrate great character in the face of uncertainty, trial and change, but ultimately their willingness to live into the plan allowed great movements and God honoring change in their epic of history. We want to see that kind of movement today and key to it is that we demonstrate the same kind of character that God requires of all of His disciples. Those that have gone before modeled it for us, and we must learn and apply Godly character development to our own lives and then pray for God to transform our world with a new movement of His power and promise.

July 5 - Aug 30

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David Rybka
Beyond Belief

James 2:17 - In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead.

The Christian life was not meant to be simply believed, but to be lived out in daily life and practice. In the Old Testament, the Proverbs provide significant practical advice for Christians desiring to live a God honoring life. The book of James is the New Testament equivalent in many ways. James wants people who profess to be Christians to act like it. Come and explore with us as we study of the book of James and challenge your faith to go beyond belief!

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David Rybka
Glorious Unfolding

Happy Birthday New Hope! This weekend we celebrate 25 years of a community loving Jesus and trying to reveal Him to the world. Our original mission was to present the life-changing hope of Jesus to the unchurched people in the city of Rochester; to teach unchurched people to grow in relationship with God in community with each other; to help each individual discover, develop and use his or her spiritual gifts for service through the church. We have always been committed to proclaiming faith in Jesus, doing good works, and engaging in future church planting efforts. Today we simply say we love God, we love each other and we serve the world. So much has changed, yet so much has stayed the same. Let us remember the love, strength and power of God in our past 25 years and use that as the foundation of God's mission for our church in the future.

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David RybkaComment
Healthy Relationships

Do your relationships honor God? Do you draw strength from your relationships and are they thriving? Whether you are married, single, a parent or a child (or both), a friend, an employee or whatever other role you find yourself in, we are relational beings.  We are relational in nature precisely because we are made in the image of God. God is love, and his desire is to share that love with us. He does that by inviting us into relationship with Him. Our relationships with others have the potential to reflect His example of relating to us. However, in most cases our human relationships fail to live up to the desires and goals we have for them precisely because we don't understand God's designs and expectations. This series will help us understand our relationships with others by looking at our relationship with God and unpacking the pitfalls the world puts in our minds that cause us to miss our full relational potential. #GodsnotGrey

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David Rybka
Catching the Vision

Why does New Hope exist? What has God called His universal church to do, and how does New Hope as a local church participate in that broader scriptural based narrative? This sermon series explores New Hope's mission and vision statements, unpacks God's vision for our church, and explores God's invitation to each of us to participate with him in impacting the world around us. We invite you to join with us as we start out the year "catching the vision" of God's purposes and plans for New Hope FMC and each of our roles in them.

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David Rybka
Advent Conspiracy

Christmas was meant to be celebrated, not regretted. 

We all want our Christmas to be a lot of things. Full of joy. Memories. Happiness. Above all, we want it to be about Jesus. What we don't want is stress. Or debt. Or feeling like we "missed the moment". Advent Conspiracy is a movement designed to help us all slow down and experience a Christmas worth remembering. But doing this means doing things a little differently. A little creatively.

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David Rybka
Preparing for Spiritual Attack

September 28 – November 16 2014

Recent events in the life our church have caused many people to question whether we are under spiritual attack. The Bible instructs us that we most certainly are, and in fact that our battle is not against flesh and blood but against some unseen enemies that are at work in the spiritual realm.  In order to be prepared, we must put on the full armor of God.  This series is designed to prepare us for battle knowing that we are will experience it and indeed may be already in a vulnerable place.  Join us each Sunday for a discussion on each of the elements of armor discussed in Ephesians 6:14-18.

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David Rybka
God Is ...

Current sermon series: God Is ...
August 24 – End of September, 2014
During trying times, we need something to hold onto. We need to understand God for who He is, and cling to the truth about Him when it doesn't feel like He's there, or the foundational things we thought we believed are shaken to the core. We don't want to rush a grieving process, and we certainly don't want to miss the blessings He provides by truncating a healing process he can use to refine us and develop new levels of spiritual health, growth and awakening. We need to learn to live with and into suffering versus "fixing" it or avoiding it because it is too painful.

Sermons are available immediately after each Sunday worship service.

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David Rybka
The Way of Wisdom

The Way of Wisdom

In the days before Jesus Christ, God spoke to his people in three ways: The Priests taught the Law; The Prophets declared his Word, and the Sages gave counsel or wisdom. The Book of proverbs is a collection of the wisdom sayings that guided daily living. This sermon series is designed to equip the listener with several of the themes of the proverbs applied to a contemporary context. The series will extend from June through August.

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David Rybka
The B.L.E.S.S.E.D. Life

Jesus told his disciples that he developed a relationship with them so that they could live an “abundant life”. In Jesus’ sermon on the mount, it begins with the repetitive phrase “blessed are the....” . His sermon focuses on the qualities of the life that experiences the blessings, or happiness/joy that comes with a relationship with God. This sermon seeks to look at 7 experiences with God that form the core of the “Blessed” life.

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David Rybka
The Way of Worship

We often think of worship as an event as opposed to a way of life. However, the follower of Jesus is committed to a lifestyle of worship. Everything that we do, say, and even think is to be committed to the Glory of God (Col 3:17). How do we enter into the way of worship? This series reflects on God as the object and subject of worship and what that means for life of the believer.

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David Rybka
Encountering Christ

Authentic faith is not simply agreeing to a set of beliefs, but nurturing a dynamic relationship with Jesus Christ. It is this relationship that gives us new life, matures us, disciplines us, inspires us, and motivates us. Often this relationship is cloaked in “religious language” that prevents a deeper understanding of the process. This sermon focuses on the relational process that the disciple of Christ experiences as they grow deeper in their faith. Using the relationship between Jesus Christ and the Apostle Peter as our model, the listener will understand the unique nature of the relationship, expectations, and opportunities between Christ and his disciples.

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David Rybka
The P.E.A.C.E Plan

The P.E.A.C.E Plan

Again Jesus said, "Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, I am sending you." The Old and New Testament reveal the mission of God as the redemption of mankind through Israel, then his son Jesus Christ, and extended through the Body of Jesus, also known as the Church. That missionary essence and expression is incredibly diverse and varies according to context and mission field. This sermon seeks to define and discern the missionary impulse in the context of the New Hope family and within our sphere of influence.

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David Rybka
The Power of Vision

Without a clear vision, we struggle both individually and collectively. The key to vision is the revelation of God via His Son, His Word, and His people. Often, the church seeks to manufacture its vision and mission based on business techniques or marketing plans, but God intends for His Bride to be guided by His revelation. This sermon series looks at the formation and development of the vision of the church and the nature of His revelation through the prophetic writings of Habakkuk and the gospels.

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David Rybka
The Resurrected Life

We are commanded to “live by the spirit” in the epistles. The emphasis on living is a emphasis to think, act, and respond, as opposed to a faith that simply tries to avoid sin and sadness. The Book of Acts records the portrait of the spirit filled community and its reflection of the person and mission of Jesus Christ. This series seeks to equip its listeners with an understanding of the promise of a spirit filled life and how it is essential to glorify God. Each text is based upon the common lectionary readings for that week.

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David Rybka
Created for Good

The Bible devotes more pages to the life of Joseph than any other person in the Old Testament. His life is a classic story of redemption and the faithfulness of God. This series will focus on Joseph’s life and its implication for the purposes and processes in our lives.

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David Rybka