Kubona Imana n’Imana Nyakuri
Read MoreA lectionary is a plan of Scripture readings throughout the Christian year, which support the themes of our celebrations like Christmas and Easter and also provide the church a way to hear a large portion of the Scriptures read aloud. The Revised Common Lectionary is used by Protestant and evangelical churches all over the world, and each week it provides an Old Testament reading, a psalm, an Epistle (New Testament letter), and a Gospel reading. New Hope has been following the readings for Year B (Second year of the three-year schedule), which you can find, along with related resources, at this site: Year B - Revised Common Lectionary (vanderbilt.edu).
In the fall of 2022, we transitioned into a new monthly rhythm for worship services. Our plan was developed in concert with our mission statement.
1st Sundays - “Love God” - The Lord’s Supper (a.k.a. Communion) and personal and corporate renewal as worship.
2nd Sundays - “Serve the World” - Outreach oriented and hands-on: Community engagement as worship.
3rd & 4th Sundays - “Love Each Other” - A traditional (to New Hope) corporate service as worship.
All services are oriented around worship with a full-bodied experience as our goal. This includes singing, prayer, testimonies, reading scripture, greeting each other, times of silence and reflection, and most Sundays will include a proclamation of the Word (a.k.a. sermon).
You can find a link to our current Sunday bulletin here.
You can find all videos of our current services and past recorded sermons/services on our YouTube channel.
All our messages are recorded and posted on our Facebook and YouTube pages. We no longer upload them to our website. If you want to know more, please ask! We'd love to hear from you! Just fill out the form on the connect page and we will respond.
For those who wish to listen in, you can set up our podcast using this link: http://feeds.soundcloud.com/users/soundcloud:users:100886933/sounds.rss
Kubona Imana n’Imana Nyakuri
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