Trust: The Currency of Peace Dr. M TraylorDecember 22, 2014Icantbreathe, Justice, blacklivesmatter, law enforcement, racismComment
Reflections on the Trayvon Martin Tragedy: Part I Dr. M TraylorJuly 17, 2013Bible, Cecile Andrews, Eric Hoffer, Justice, Racialization, Trayvon Martin, racismComment
My take on the History Channel's: The Bible Dr. M TraylorMarch 19, 2013Criticism, History Channel, The Bible, Theology Comment
Towards a deeper Valentines Day Dr. M TraylorFebruary 8, 2013Christianity, Consumerism, Love, New Evangelical Manifesto, Valentines DayComment
The Problem with Evangelical Politics Dr. M TraylorSeptember 1, 2012Brian McLaren, Conservative Politics, Evangelicalism, Jesus, Kingdom of GodComment
Can you feel the pain? Dr. M TraylorJune 2, 2012CCDA, Christianity, John Perkins, Movements, Pain Comment
Gay Marriage: A Pastor's thoughts Dr. M TraylorMay 16, 2012Andrew Cherlin, Christianity, Civil Unions, Gay Marriage, Government, Miroslav Volf Comments
The Power of Words Dr. M TraylorApril 20, 2012Disposable Heroes of Hiphoprisy, Hip Hop, Language of Violence, Profanity, Rap music, preventing violenceComment
A Deeper Good Friday Dr. M TraylorApril 6, 2012Cross, Good Friday, Son of God, Son of Man, Sunday's comingComment
Not even the Dignity of a Dog Dr. M TraylorMarch 23, 2012Christianity, Justice, Michael Vick, Trayvon Martin Comment
Racism: the man behind the curtain Dr. M TraylorMarch 2, 2012Divided by Faith, Franklin Graham, Free Methodist Church, Lisa Harper, Monica Harrold, President Obama, Ronald Reagan, Sojourners, racism Comments