The Hope of Being Exposed
Anyone like to feel exposed? Imagine one of your deepest secrets finding the light of day. At best, you’re uncomfortable. At worst you’re ashamed and want to disappear. Your reaction might depend on who is finding out, but either way, you are probably embarrassed, with maybe a little dose of anger. Whether you have secrets, few if any of us want to feel exposed. Exposure, especially if it surprises us, makes us feel vulnerable. Vulnerability is awkward.
Vulnerability is also lonely. Who do you turn to when you hit the wall, need help, and have run out of options? To turn to anyone means letting down your guard and letting others in. Who knows what they will see? Will they still like me? Will I still be accepted? Yet, I need the help. I need the companionship. I need - they have - the only way to bridge the gap is to ask, and risk being “exposed.”
Is this your story? Sadly, it is the story of many people, and of many Christians in their relationship with Christ. As Christians, we apply the same filtering we use in our relationships with others to our relationship with God. We don’t want to be exposed to Christ so we keep a safe distance, until we really need him. But then we’re in a bind. Do I really want Him to know all this stuff? How’s He gonna deal with me?
The truth is that God already knows. Psalm 139:1 says, “O Lord, you have examined my heart and know everything about me. (NLT)” It goes on to reveal that God not only knows what we do, but why we do it. He knows our words before they are formed. He’s ahead of us and behind us all at once. Talk about being exposed. There is nothing off-limits with God. Yet, how many times have we pushed Him away afraid of sharing with Him because we’re afraid of what He might think? It’s silly in some ways, and yet it’s all too common.
We cannot hide from God. I offer that as a comforting thought - or it can be when we stop trying to hide. He knows us, accepts us, loves us, and this Psalm reminds us that He made us. We’re not performing for Him, but we are living our lives on full display. He made it all. He sees it all. He loves it all. Despite how we feel, God never changes. He thinks about you everyday, and has ordered your steps. You can try to shut Him out, but you simply cannot hide.
It’s a comforting thought because it allows us to recognize our exposure, and yet accept that our exposure doesn’t change His love for us. His willingness to be connected to us is as great now as it was when He knit us together in our mother’s womb. When we feel alone, and when we’re struggling to find support, we turn to God and He meets us. He is trustworthy in spite of how we view ourselves. He is the one that I can depend on without fail. That, to me, brings hope.
Ponder His love and acceptance the remainder of this week, and reacquaint yourself with Psalm 139. May your holiday season planning be filled with joy and hope.
Pastor Scott