What are we up against?
It’s purely coincidence, but a good one none-the-less, that I get to write about the last half of Ephesians 6 for a posting on Halloween. You know Christians have a love-struggle with this “holiday.” On the one hand, we want to be good neighbors and have fun with our friends. On the other hand, we don’t want to “celebrate” something that is inherently evil or at least in association with evil. Dressing in costumes means complicity with the holiday for some, and yet our kids just want to “be like their friends.” What are we to do?
I say redeem the day! A couple of our members, Andre and Mabel, have encouraged us to get out and use the time to get to know your neighbors. Make your home a place of welcome (A Halloween Rest Stop!), respite and hospitality (or at least in front of your home). Strike up conversations that let your neighbors and some casual acquaintances know you care, that you are genuinely interested in them, and offer them some joy and encouragement. It’s not a bad thing to dress-up, to eat some candy, to trick-or-treat, and generally to have a good time. In fact, the only thing that will make the day darker is if the light within you is covered up. Now - don’t do anything that violates your convictions. I simply believe that your presence, and that of your kids, can have a profound impact on the world by being engaged in a redeeming and life-giving way.
Which brings me to the appropriate caution given our portion of scripture for this week. “Be strong in the Lord” and '“Pray without ceasing.” In case you don’t know, our battle is not against what we see as much as it is against what we can’t see. There are spiritual forces of darkness, evil, corruption, and turmoil just lurking and waiting to upend us. They are certainly culturally associated with Halloween, but the reality is that they are far more sinister and sophisticated. They are doing everything they can to tear down our community (the church), and to cause strife among us. All that we have been building and working toward as we dig into the letter of Ephesians is being pushed back against by the enemy.
Battle armor is required to defend against the enemy. The power comes from the Lord. His victory assures us of His strength to aid us. We’ve been given tools (i.e. armor) to withstand all the attacks. But, we must pray, at all times and in all situations. That means today, as you engage people who don’t know about all this, you pray that the light of Jesus Christ might give them hope. That means we don’t back down from the culture, but we give voice to the truth by living each day as Christ would live, fully in His power, and undergirded in prayer. We don’t shrink back. We don’t live in fear. We simply live in the power of God through prayer. Don’t become lazy or complacent. Never underestimate the power of spiritual warfare.
The future of our church depends on each one of us becoming the masterpiece that God created us to be. We will flourish when our unity and righteousness reflect the fullness of His glory. We don’t need to do anything more than receive Him, and then put on the armor and pray. Ok - there’s some more to it, but I assure you that if you take those steps, the rest will make more sense. We will all benefit from your investment. And most importantly, God’s redemptive work will continue because we are committed to serving Him.
John 16:33 reminds us that Jesus Christ has overcome the world. You need not fear Halloween or any spiritual force of darkness. Neither should you be casual and take anything for granted. Our confidence flows from our relationship with our all-powerful God. His Son Jesus Christ paved the way for light to overcome any darkness. If you celebrate today, may it not be to be like the world, but to offer hope, light, and the life of Jesus Christ to everyone you meet. If you don’t engage in Halloween activities, pray for those that do such that the hope of Jesus Christ will permeate the darkness and the powers of darkness wll have to flee.
Pray in all situations.
With Love,
Pastor Scott